X Encuentro – Hemispheric Institute

X Encuentro


eX-céntrico: dissidence, sovereignties, performance
eX-céntrico: disidencia, soberanías, performance
eX-cêntrico: dissidência, soberanias, performance

Spanish and Portuguese below / Español y portugués abajo / Espanhol e português abaixo


eX-céntrico: dissidence, sovereignties, performance

July 17-23, 2016
Santiago, Chile
Deadline for Applications: November 4, 2015

The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics and the Universidad de Chile invite scholars, artists, and activists from all disciplines to formulate and present work around the theme of eX-céntrico: dissidence, sovereignties, performance, at our Xº (10th) Encuentro, to be held in Santiago, Chile from July 17-23, 2016.

The Xº Encuentro seeks to examine the eX-centric—that which stands apart, on the peripheries of power—as a site of identity, struggle, creativity, and political power. We understand the eX-centric as the dissident, that which stands apart, creating a space outside that makes possible other futures, subjectivities, and ways of doing and knowing. We seek to explore politics and aesthetics generated from without, from an outside that marks its distance and non-desire to be written in dominant codes, destabilizing common sense and disarranging the blueprints of the possible. We are drawn to the proactive and creative charge of these un-framings, to their capacity to generate sovereignties in bodies and territories that yield eX-centric subjects and collectivities —styles and poses, movements and nations, traversed by indigeneity, disability, queerness, blackness, as well as punk, trans, proletarian, and migrant sensibilities. These sovereignties resist and interpellate the centers of power with aesthetic ruptures, liberatory autonomies, and disobedient body politics. In this context, performance —performance art, theater, underground cultures, occupations of public space, digital corporealities, body art, drag, cabaret, the music that animates the nightlife of social movements— is a central tool both for the creation of new meaning and for the transmission of knowledge, memory, and identity.

Artists, scholars, activists: we invite your eX-centric provocations, proposals, and manifestos to participate in work groups, performances, and street art-actions. For all work group descriptions, and for details on how to apply, please visit: http://hemisphericinstitute.org/hemi/en/encuentro-2016

Encuentro participation is by application only. You must fill out an online application form, where you will submit all required materials as outlined on our website and within the application form itself. Application deadline is November 4, 2015. All those who are interested in attending the Encuentro as general participants, even without proposing a project, must still apply using this application form and submit a personal Letter of Intent, and Individual Bio, and a CV/Résumé. If you would like to propose a performance, or if you would like to apply to participate in a Work Group, you will be able to submit the required materials for each. Continuar leyendo “X Encuentro – Hemispheric Institute”

Cuerpos y corporalidades en las culturas de las Americas

Libro-Cuerpos-Corporalidades-Culturas-AmericasCon mucha alegría, queríamos compartirles la reciente publicación del libro que reúne algunas de las presentaciones del I Encuentro de Cuerpos y Corporalidades en las Culturas, en el que han participado colegas de Brasil, Colombia, Chile, México, Peru, Estados Unidos y Argentina, intentando entretejer estas Redes de y desde los cuerpos…
Y como ya estamos aquí en Bogotá, preparándonos para nuestro II Encuentro!, mañana en la inauguración, haremos una breve presentación con los colegas de la Red de Antropología de y desde los cuerpos.
Los esperamos!
Sábado 3 de octubre a las 9hs.Fundación Gilberto Álzate Avendaño. Más info: http://corporalidades.net/index.php/programacion

Y gracias Editorial Biblos por el apoyo!
Y a Salvador Batalla por el arte de tapa!

Convocatoria de artículos para el “Dossier Giro Corporal”

Los invitamos a enviar sus artículos de reflexión, de investigación,  de creación, etc., a la Revista Indexada Cuadernos, de la Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Dossier temático: el Giro Corporal. Coordina Sonia Castillo Ballen
La fecha de recepción  se cierra en agosto de 2014. 

En el siguiente link pueden informarse  esta  convocatoria y conocer dicha revista del campo del arte.


Travestis buscando axé: Gênero e sexualidade em religiões de matriz africana na Argentina

por Manuela Rodríguez

 Resumo: O presente artigo propõe articular dois mundos: O das religiões de matriz africana, e o das travestis, ambos na Argentina. A partir de uma síntese das abordagens realizadas sobre a transgressão das normas de sexo e gênero presente nas religiões afro-brasileiras, segundo foram estudadas por acadêmicos do Brasil, analiso a crescente participação de travestis nestas religiões no país, esboçando algumas articulações possíveis em torno da relação desta presença com suas identidades de sexo/gênero. Com esta análise espero contribuir com o estudo destas religiões na Argentina, especialmente no que concerne à sua estigmatização, assim como à sua revalorização como espaços de sociabilidade para sujeitos que não encontram lugar de participação nas instituições heteronormativas hegemônicas. Palavras-chave: religiões de matriz africana, travestis, Argentina.

Abstract: This article intends to bring two worlds together: that of the African-based religions, and that of transvestites, both in Argentina. From a synthesis of the approaches made on transgression of sex and gender norms present in Afro-Brazilian religions – as were studied by Brazilian academics –, I analyze the growing participation of transvestites in these religions in the country, outlining some possible relationships between this presence and their sex/gender identity. With this analysis I hope to contribute to the study of these religions in Argentina, especially in regard to their stigma, as well as its revalorization as social spaces for individuals who have no place of participation in hegemonic heteronormative institutions.

Travestis buscando axé

Revista Historia www.historiagora.com

Cuerpo y Educación Física

Tapa libro cuerpo y educación físicaCuerpo y Educación Física. Perspectivas latinoamericanas para pensar la educación de los cuerpos.

Compiladores: Eduardo Galak y Valeria Varea (con referato).
Autores de capítulo: Pablo Scharagrodsky, Eduardo Galak, Laura Méndez, Raumar Rodriguez Gimenez, Cecilia Ceré, Valter Bracht, Felipe Almeida, Ivan Gomes, Alexandre Fernandez Vaz, Michelle Carreirão Gonçalves, Rodolfo Rozengardt, Valeria Emiliozzi, Valeria Varea, Marcus Aurelio Taborda de Oliveira, Deibar Rene Hurtado Herrera, Marcelo Ducart.
Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-691-158-0, año 2013.

Presentación del libro Rituais e Performances

IBP/UFSC lançam livro com pesquisas de graduandos no campo da Performance

A UFSC, em parceria com o Instituto Brasil Plural,  acabam de lançar a coletânea Rituais e Performances: iniciações em pesquisa de campo, com trabalhos de alunos da graduação em Ciências Sociais e de pesquisadores da rede de pesquisas em performance do IBP. Organizado pela professora Esther Jean Langdon e pelo doutorando Éverton Luís Pereira, ambos do PPGAS/UFSC, o livro reúne experiências que, na maioria dos casos, são os primeiros contatos desses pesquisadores com seus campos de pesquisa, lapidados por olhares antropológicos. (PUBLICADOEM 21/01/2013) Continuar leyendo “Presentación del libro Rituais e Performances”